


来源:Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — 丹尼尔·乔治。 accomplished everything he set out to do at 宾州州立银行 in terms of academics, 领导与服务. He will cross the stage to accept his baccalaureate degree in mechanical engineering, 辅修数学应用, 早上10点.m., Saturday, May 4, during the college’s commencement ceremony at the Santander Arena in 阅读.  

George, a native of Philadelphia, began his studies at Penn State Abington before coming to 博克斯. He said that in addition to 博克斯 offering the mechanical engineering degree, he was attracted to its smaller class sizes and proximity to Philadelphia. 

“I enjoy the smaller classes; they allow you to get to know people better,” George commented. “这是一次很棒的经历.” 

在他上大学期间, George took the initiative and made many valuable connections both inside and outside the classroom.  

George is graduating as the first 宾州州立银行 student to earn the mathematics applications minor, 由十大正规赌博平台大全阿尔图纳分校提供. He explained that he enrolled in the minor because he wanted to develop a deeper understanding of topics relevant to his field.  

“I want to be a trailblazer and inspire other students to raise their skills,” he stated.  

George also took the initiative and contacted the Philadelphia office of Robotic Imaging, a nationwide provider of high quality laser scanning and scan to BIM services to engineers and architects. 他想在公司做志愿者. They agreed and were so impressed by George that they offered him an internship the following summer.  

“Being able to have direct interaction with people in all facets of the company was very beneficial,乔治评论道。. “They welcomed me and allowed me to figure things out and grow.” 

乔治在实习期间说过, he taught himself Fusion 360 before studying it in the classroom and also expanded his knowledge of creating floor plans in AutoCAD. 

On campus, George made even more connections through his leadership and community service. He resurrected the Pavement Project, a student service organization. George assumed the role of president and began recruiting students until they had the eight members required to be recognized as an official student club.  

去年在乔治的领导下, 人行道项目举办了一次衣物募捐活动, partnering with CommunityAid Thrift Store and Donation Center. They also sponsored a movie night with a raffle; proceeds were used to purchase needed supplies for the 阅读 School District’s Southwest Middle School. 

“I’m proud of the group and all they have accomplished,” stated George. “我很期待看到他们未来的表现.” 

George also served as president of the college’s Christian Student Fellowship. 每年春假期间, the student organization takes a service trip to Big Creek Mission in Bear Branch, 肯塔基州. Big Creek Missions is an inter-denominational Christian ministry center ​that works to connect mission groups with the needs of Appalachia. 

他在旅行中解释了这一点, 他从事修理房屋的工作, 屋面, 在无家可归者收容所和食品储藏室帮忙. 

“One of the most important parts of faith is serving others,” George said. “There’s very little that I’ve been able to accomplish on my own. 每个人都需要一个支持系统才能成功.” 

在基督教家庭中长大, George explained that he gave up the way he had been living his faith since childhood and he “rebuilt his relationship with Jesus."  

"It’s not until you get older that you see the importance of faith and service,” he stated. 

他说,作为榜样对乔治来说也很重要. He served as a member of Futures in Engineering: Role-models Can Empower (FiERCE), a student organization in which engineering students mentor middle- and high-school students.  

“People are inspired by role models, and I wanted to be one for youth,” explained George. “我想要更年轻的工科学生, 尤其是那些来自少数族裔背景的人, 看看他们能做什么. I want them to see themselves as successful, even before they earn their degree.” 

For his 领导与服务, George was honored with the college’s Martin Luther King, Jr. 奖项和J. 院长斯蒂芬纪念奖 学生 领导 在2024年. 他还获得了 霍华德O., Jr., Jean S。. 2023年社区服务奖 海狸奖. 

毕业典礼后, George will begin working as an engineer at Brentwood Industries, 全球热成型塑料解决方案供应商, 在Wyomissing, 宾西法尼亚.  

最终, 他说, he would like to take his college experience and apply it in a management position, serving as a mentor to younger engineers to encourage and develop talent. 

当被问及十大正规赌博平台大全伯克商学院如何为他的未来做好准备时, 乔治说, “I learned skills that I wasn’t even thinking about like leadership and preparing for a career. 最重要的是,我了解了自己.

“这是一段漫长而充满挑战的旅程. The experience makes you stronger so you can handle the obstacles that come your way.”